Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thanksgiving sucks

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Thanksgiving or whatever
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Some stuff like Waff being a Lesbian Matchmaker

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Holy crap, you guys!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Holy crap, you guys!

I just realized I've been so like traumatized by all the crap going on that I haven't even posted any pictures with my posts and that is not like me, for reals. So this here is a picture of a lemon cupcake, my very favorite.
So, ok, I went to Dallas to see Rhett this last weekend and I was totes just going to go and not worry about it, but my new PA was all, "I bet we can get you permission to go" and it turns out she just called my bail bondsman and I was like on my way! I was going to take her with me, but Edgar says I need some boundaries, so I made her stay home. Too bad too because the hotel was not cute and I bet she could have gotten me some more comps. I didn't want Harvey to go either, so I drove myself. My ass was killing me on the drive up there. I don't know how you people drive yourself around all the time.
So there's lots to tell from the weekend, I don't even know where to start. First of all, Squirrel was there, which I totally didn't remember although I think Rhett told me that like forever ago! It was a super nice surprise. I totes liked Squirrel before the weekend but now I love him. He's hilarious. He had some friends with him - one of which was a girl who was crazy - PLUS Rhett apparently knows the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders and they were fun too, except when they start like cheering in the middle of a bar. That was sort of weird, I was like, "What is going on?" Luckily me and Squirrel were totes trying to see who could drink the most. I think I won, but I'm not really sure. Anyway, after enough vodka tonics, you don't really need to know what cheerleaders are cheering for, you know? It's like zing or whatever.
When we got asked to leave the bar, the paps were all over the place. That was super-boring. The cheerleaders were posing for cameras and I was signing autographs for awhile but then I got like really bored and decided I didn't want to sign anymore but the cheerleaders were being nice and whatever. I was all, "How can you be so polite?" Only I might have said "fake" which was totes not what I meant. It was the vodka and I totally blame Squirrel! So like, if you are one of the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders that I offended, that's not what I meant. Quit texting me and threatening me, okay?
More later!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
I have a new PA, you guys!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Rehab is like super-boring
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Fuck me twice!
Well, Fuck Me.
Cheese and limes

It's almost Sinko de Mayo again! This time last year I was in Rhode Island with Rhett and I was super-confused because it is definitely NOT an island.
So today, I was IMing Scar while I was hiding in the utility room from The Houseguest. Brookie was looking for me everywhere but of course that girl wouldn't go in the room where laundry gets done because she might accidentally fold something!
(Actually, I totes didn't even know I had a utility room until today when I was looking for a place to hide! I thought we sent the laundry out!)
So what was I talking about? Oh yeah, Brookie, driving me nuts with her foot and those crutches and whatever. So late this afternoon, I made her some hot chocolate and crushed up some extra painkillers in so I could go out with Scar. Once Brookie passed out, I got in the Maz and headed downtown for margs and queso (it's pronounced "kay, so" It's Spanish. Mostly it's just cheese.) Anyway, we were like telling stories about Justin and his wiener and the waitress was freaking out because there really weren't any famous people in this little place and when she came to take one round of our drinks, she was like, "Can I ask you a question?" And Scar, she's nicer than me, was all, "Sure." And the girl goes, "How long have you been friends because I didn't even know you guys knew each other, much less that you would be hanging out drinking margs together." And Scar was like, "Couple of years." So she was like, "Awesome." Then I was all, "Bring us another round or that bitch will tear you up." Then the waitress laughed like super loud. I totes don't know what she was laughing about because when Scar's booze is late, she is like scary. Not scarry - whoa! I don't even know what I'm typing right now. I shouldn't write on my bloggy thing when I've been drinking but that IS most of the time, so I don't know when I would write.
What was I talking about? Oh yeah, so when I got home a little while ago, Knute was all calling and he was like furious because he said I could have killed Brookie with the painkillers but I was all, "Hey, she's gotta learn to handle her pills!" So now Knute is not speaking to me, Brookie is still at the ER because I guess she can't handle her pills and Knute is up there with her, being furious. Knute had to call the ambulance when he couldn't find her pulse or whatever so now he feels like he can't leave her, but I am too drunk to drive up to the hospital and plus I'm super-tired. How long does it take to make a bone stop running around in your foot? Because she's seriously GOT TO GO.
Oh yea, me and Scar got pedis too!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
It's so hard to be so awesome!

These are my new Choos. Awesome, right?
So here's the thing. Brookie came and her foot looked seriously effed up, so Knute took her to a orthodontist or some kind of bone doctor and turns out she has like a bone roaming around loose in her foot. Like, GROSS! I'm pretty sure bones are supposed to stay put.
Here's the thing about houseguests: they suck. It's just a whole lot more work for the staff and I have to be nice all the time and that just sucks. Plus Brookie is so bored she never leaves me alone. Like I'm seriously considering starting to run or something because I know she can't follow me. I mean, when I see her like 4 times a year, she's super-fun, but having her right next to me for days on end is like boring. And I feel like I can't really fight with her because she got some AWESOME painkillers when she went to the orthodontist so she's good for that. So what was I talking about? I might have to go to the apartment in NYC just to get away from her. Plus I've been solving all the problems this one friend of mine has and frankly, she has so many problems that I get tired of typing some nights because she lives in NYC so I'm fixing her life via email and IMs and crap like that. My fingers are killing me, like I think I have corporal chunnel or whatever. Some days it is hard to be so awesome. Like people want to live with me while their free-range bones settle down and other people want my awesome advice about relationships and jobs and crap that I don't even have. It's exhausting.
OMG, I totally got sidetracked talking about myself that I forgot to talk about The Incredible Hulk Hogan and his daughter Brooke who is not my houseguest, that's a different Brooke or Brookie -- it's super confusing. Anyway, did anyone see those pictures of The Incredible Hulk rubbing tanning oil on her butt? That was weird. Why would he do that? I mean, it's awesome that he's worried about skin cancer or whatever, but why was he touching her? My daddy hasn't even hugged me since I was like 4, much less applied a SPF to my butt. There's just no need for that. And not because I like to be awesomely tan, but because your butt falls into the parts of your body people shouldn't touch unless they buy you dinner or drinks first. My nanny taught me that.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Today is Houseguest day!
Saturday, April 26, 2008

Friday, April 25, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
What the hell is Earf Day?
Monday, April 21, 2008
Me and Rhett went to the ghetto. Not in Poland though.

Some More Stuff About DC

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Damn, you guys!

Thursday, April 10, 2008
Hellow Hotness

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
I wouldn't eat a kid either, just you know.
Man Magnet, for reals!

So yesterday, something went all crazy with the computer network in The Compound, which I totes know NOTHING about so I'm not even going to say anything about anything. Anyway, Knute called somebody and they sent out this guy who was hot to fix it. Normally, I wouldn't go for a guy with dirty hands, but holy crap you guys!!! He was gorge. Tall, smiley, funny. Normally I do not give out my real phone number to civilians or whatever but he was so cute I was like, "Let me give you my number in case you think of anything you need." (I was totes not thinking about computer network "needs" if you know what I mean!) Anyway, he has to come back tomorrow and I am like all thinking about what I'm going to wear and crap like that. He has to go into the attic, which of course is traumatic for me and even more so for Knute because of that abduction thing or whatever, but I'm already thinking about errands I can make Knute go do while the hot guy is here. The last thing I need is Knute mooning around when I'm trying to get my flirt on, you know?
My faithful readers or whatever will know that I'm been in like a dry spell after me and Paris made our vow of charity (although that whore totally did not keep up her end of the bargain - for reals! I was seriously all about it and I think she just did it for the publicity.) Anyway, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, so when Erica cut my hair awhile back, she said my bloggy thing was funner when I was a whore. And I got to thinking about it and she is totes right! Plus I was having way more fun!!! So the first thing I did was call my vet friend and he gave me some polar bear diet pills - which are AWESOME, by the way - and that really just got the whole thing rolling. I think they like changed my chemistry or something because this last weekend I had 5 people ask me to do stuff! Of course this was before Hot Network Man. Now I'm like, "How can I juggle all my fans and stalkers and a Hot Network Man?" Is it possible to be TOO popular? I don't think so, really. I mean, it's all about choices and I am definitely pro-choice.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Don't eat monkeys, people!

I have no idea what the hell I did tonight. I think I ate one of these effers, but I'm not sure. The thing is, we were at some festival and the place we ate was like serving squirrel and frog and raccoon. Who the hell eats raccoon? They have little hands!!!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Rules about underpants

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Can you really have too many gays?
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Wait, what? Part 2
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Wait, what?

Oh. My. God.
So last year, I accidentally was watching TV and I found a show about this super ugly girl who was living in a house with a bunch of whores and strippers and it was totes confusing because I guess they were all lesbertarians because they were always making out and getting drunk and fighting. It made me feel icky. Well, I was accidentally watching TV tonight and that ugly girl is back with a whole different bunch of whores who are wearing swimsuits are bras or something and nothing else. These whores are more drunker and more stupider than the other ones. I think it's new whores, but it could all be the same ones, maybe it's just reruns. TV is super-confusing sometimes. That girl, Bret, wouldn't be quite so ugly if she didn't wear so much make-up. I am all about being natural.
I've pretty much decided to get another nosejob. I mean, I'm so bored I got to do something. Knute tells me to just wait because Washington with Rhett is coming up quick and soon I won't be so bored, but I'm just not sure. He says I gotta wait until after the trip because they won't let me fly with a nosejob, which is crazy because everytime I fly I fly with a nosejob!!! Actually TWO! Sometime I think Knute just makes stuff up to confuse me.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Could My Life Be More Boring?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Am I Done Blowing Your Mind? Not Even!

Monday, March 17, 2008
Mind Blowing Awesomeness

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Bellgym is boring

Sunday, March 9, 2008
My Castle Makes Me Feel Better

So I went to Luxembourg to see Mims and Thad and then I was totally going to go back to Austin but then Knute reminded me that South by Southwest was starting and everyone knows how I hate all those dirty hippies that come pouring out of everywhere so I just headed over to Bellgym to see my castle again. It is super cute! Right now it's still cold here, so it's kind of boring - and cold. Knute's coming over tomorrow to help me hang out. He said on the phone that waffles come from Bellgym and I didn't even know that when Daddy bought it! It's like karma or whatever. So me and Knute will go look for waffles while he's here and I'm hoping that my deposition will just go away. I mean, I don't want to do that.
I totally forgot about this, it happened before I went to see Mims: I went to get my hair cut by that bitch Erica and she was like, 'You need to get laid." I was all, "!" Who says that? Especially when I haven't even paid her yet! So I was like praciticing some restraint, which I almost never do, so she goes, "Your bloggy thing was funner when you were a whore." I totally didn't know what to say to that. I mean, I've been working on my vow of charity for like ever. And it is totally boring, so I might just stop it anyway. I mean, where's it getting me? Plus that tramp Paris totally didn't even keep her end of it anyway, so why should I bother? All I've gotten out of it is a lot of boring weekends and fewer medical bills. And I castle. I'm pretty sure Daddy bought me the castle because I was being good, but now I have the castle so I can start messing around again.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
I can't even think of a title for this crap

So that's my new car. I'm so bummed out though that I can't even be excited about it. It's just another Maserati, so no biggie.
Daddy's lawyers yelled at me all day. I am like totally sick of it. I just took a panda tranquilizer and I'm hoping that will help. I have a "deposition" in a couple of weeks and now Daddy's lawyers are coming to Austin and they are going to yell at me in person and that just makes me bored. I don't know what a deposition is, but it sort of sounds like "deposit" so I'm hoping it will be some money!
PLUS I just found out that this weekend, the weekend I'm going to Luxembourg to see Mims and Thad, there's some crap with the clocks and we are supposed to reset our clocks and I'm going to lose a whole hour of time I could have been visiting with them. Thad says it's crap and all made up anyway and that not only that but I should stay in Luxembourg and not go back and that way I wouldn't have to deal with the stupid lawsuit anyway. So I am seriously considering it. I might just go to Bellgym and not come back. I have a castle there, you know, in Bellgym.
This might be "depression". I accidentally saw a ad for depression on the TV this one time - I don't think anyone would want it, so I don't know why they advert it like it's something you want -but there's a egg or a bubble or something and it's all sad and not bouncy at all, then it takes some drugs and it's bouncy and stuff. I think I need that. I had Gus make me a egg for dinner but I'm still depressioned. It wasn't like it was bouncy or anything. In fact, even a boiled egg doesn't bounce, so now I'm depressioned and confused.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

That's just another awesome pair of shoes I own.
So today, me and Knute were out and about car shopping because the other day I was thinking about the Maz and I realized that I'd owned it for like two years and that's my limit, so I was looking for a new car, but first I have to have something sparkly, and not like those shoes! So we were walking out of Bailey Banks and Biddle and there was a guy standing there looking all like peppy like my fans and stalkers all do. So he comes up to me and calls me by name, so I'm like sure he wants to take a picture and get a autograph, because he handed me something to sign, so I go, "yeah?" and he goes, "You've been served." Well, I totally hated that movie so I was all, "Ew! Why would you say that? I didn't even have a cameo in that piece of junk!" Well, I guess he was actually working for those effers at E! The Entertainment Network Lawyers because what he handed me was a LAWSUIT! So I'm sued because of that stupid live blogging crap. I am so mad!!! I was so mad I forgot to buy a new car!
So Knute was all reading it and making all these scary noises and I was going, "What? What? WHAT?" And he goes, "We better call Daddy." So here's the thing, I don't want to bother Daddy when I haven't even talked to him in forever, so I just called his lawyers and told them. They'll tell Daddy and can listen to all the yelling. Like I need that when I'm totally shopping for new car, please! The good thing is that now Knute has an excuse to buy a really fancy scanner. He's been wanting one for I don't know what -- and frankly I just thought about that for like a SECOND and I got a little creeped out and I think I don't want to know what he's scanning besides my lawsuit. ew.
All I know is that I'm going to Luxembourg this weekend to see Mims and Thad and I will be so glad to get away from everything.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Crap!!!! For reals, you guys!