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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Bellgym is boring

This is my bedroom in the castle. I don't know what all this crap is that Knute has on that little table, but I'm hardly ever in the bedroom because there's no TV in there.
Can you believe there's no media room? Plus there's this stupid Hysterical Committee and they say I can't put a satellite dish on the roof or anywhere on the castle. Can you believe that?
It's SXSW in Austin, so thank gawd I'm not there right now. The whole town will be crawling with dirty hippies. Pretty soon I'm going to have to go home and do my deposition and deal with all that crap. Daddy's lawyers found me here and they are MAD. I can't believe it took them 3 days to find me, they must not be very good lawyers. I mean, it's not like Daddy didn't buy the castle, they have to know about it. How many places can I hide, for reals? Daddy bought all my houses. Don't they keep records?
Bellgym is boring and I can't find waffles anywhere. At least Knute is here so I'm not entirely bored.

1 comment:

T.S. said...

No waffles! They have the sprouts though right?