meta: awesome cupcake celebutard international blog Austin Botox How To Be Awesome: 6/17/07 - 6/24/07

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Rabid dogs

So me and Rhett went out tonight (I still don't have a driver and Knute refused, so we took the Mas) anyway, we saw a movie, but I was furious because someone sat next to me -- besides Rhett -- and that always makes me livid, because I know they are just trying to see who I'm texting during the movie and whatever. That is why I prefer to stay home and not go out. Anyway, I'm not sure if it was a boy or a girl, but it was talking to the screen. Like who does that? Seriously! At one point that person sitting next to me goes, "She wearin' a hoodie." Like why was that the thing to comment on? Like why not something in the plot? I mean a hoodie is not that big a deal, am I right?
Anyway, Rhett decided to go visit his parents, so I dropped him off at their estate out in the hills and we were driving along, talking about relationships and whatever and all of a sudden I saw this giant dog with tiny little legs. Well, I swerved because I was afraid all the margaritas would slow down my reflexes (they didn't) and Rhett goes, "Wtf?" So I was like, "Did you see that dog? It was huge!" So Rhett goes, "Dog? I didn't see a dog." I was all, "That fucker was so rabid it had horns!" Rhett goes, "That dog is called a 'dear'." And I was like, "I'm not calling that rabid dog 'dear' - that dog needs to be PUT DOWN." So anyway, I didn't hit that dog, but Rhett's parents' estate is covered in rabid dogs. You would think they would do something about that. I mean, that's not safe!
Anyway, we had an awesome time! We'll be out and about tomorrow night, so look for us, yo!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I am exhausted!

So I know I was talking about buying a car before Rhett came, but I never got around to it. But this morning, I was so bored, me and Knute and Rhett drove down to Houston to buy me a new car. I got a JAG-you-are. That's how I'm going to say it because Daddy had one when I was little and me and my nanny always took it to the park and that's how she said it. JAG-you-are. I had a maid who called them Jag-wires - that's hilarious! Anyway, it's awesome and so when we all got back to the compound, I was showing Knute how I could get in and out without showing my cootch because my governess taught me that, she's the one who called them "underdrawers." So I was wearing this totally cute skirt that I got at Black/White or White/Black or whatever the name of that store is. It's black and white, of course. Totally cute and of course I had underpants on! But I could still get in and out without flashing the whole world. Anyway, now I have to find a driver. Knute is furious that I won't let him drive. I was all, "Please, I need a whole new employee for that!" He still thinks if he's not driving I should drive. I'm like, "I am too famous." He just rolled his eyes. Whatever. Maybe I need to fire him again, it's been like forever since I fired him. I think. Anyway, if anyone wants lessons on how to get in and out of a JAG-you-are without showing your cootch, call me!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My friends are crazy

So the other night, when I was out with my smart friends, one of my smart friends was complaining about not ever having any press anymore so we cooked up this idea to get her arrested because that always makes the internets and papers and whatever. So my Asian friend Vera - she's kind of a big deal in dresses or whatever - anyway, she was coming up with some ideas for press and me and my other smart friends were like, "What?" I couldn't believe the stuff she was coming up with! I was like, "You are crazy, Wang." So then another friend goes, "Crazy Wang??!! I love that!" So now she's Crazy Wang because that is hilarious! She was coming with stuff like having sex with animals in public and whatever. It wasn't the kind of stuff that gets the kind of press we all want. So anyway, my smart friend did get arrested, apparently she ran over some pedestrians. Nobody died or anything. That would not be cute press! Not the good kind, but like just hurting some drunken frat boys on 6th Street? No big deal. They probably needed it, you know?

Monday, June 18, 2007

Rhett, dinner and being tired

So I was like totally tired today and Rhett was like, "I'm bored." I was all, "I was up all night having nightmares about bunnies and shoes." I don't even want to talk about that. So anyway, me and Rhett went to dinner and we were like totally sucking down margaritas at this place that's pretty cute. Rhett is hilarious and after dinner we were playing porn gas station and we were laughing so hard I almost ran off the road and after all those margaritas, I was like worried. I wonder if my smart friend got arrested? I bet she did because when she sets her mind to it, she's like determined.
The compound is totally hot. Knute turned the AC off today because we weren't home. I was like, "WTF?" It's something about the orzone layer or whatever and refrigerators. I totally wasn't even listening. When Knute starts going on about the environment, I'm like, whatever. Anyway, I put the AC on 55, so that ought to get pretty cold pretty fast.
So also, Erica's boyfriend is pouting. Like I guess he can't handle being friends with a celeb. It's hard, I know. Not everyone can handle it. I think it's sad.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Even awesomer than Myspace, you guys

Like everyone keeps telling me I should have a blog and I'm all, "I'm on myspace" and they are like, "Whatever. Myspace is lame." I totally didn't know that. So those of you who are like just finding me, Congratulations, you are about to be awesome! That is so excellent for you. If you want to see what got me here, you can read all about me and my own awesomeness at: