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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Fuck me twice!

So Knute just finally got back to The Compound and he's not even talking to me. Gus made red beans and rice for dinner which was awesome and I was just sitting in the kitchen having some dinner and Knute walked in. He just went right past me to the elevator and I was all, "HELLOW!" Well, I should have kept my mouth shut because he went nuts! Turns out it took awhile for Brookie to regain consciousness and Knute now says he's not going to work for a murderer anymore. Technically, it's like attempted murder or maybe like negligent homicide or something. Maybe like reckless endangerment. Anyway, that's besides the point. The point is, he's upstairs packing all his shit and says he's leaving and not coming back. Well, he's done that before so I'm not scared. He's super mad, though.

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