Daddy's lawyers said I obviously "need a handler" which sounds sort of dirty to me, but whatever, so they found me DD or maybe it's DeeDee, I guess it could be Didi - but I don't think she's French or anything so I don't really know how to spell it. She's ok, I guess. She laughs at like everything I say which I totes don't get because 99% of the time I am not joking but she's totally into like make-up and hair and whatever so that's good. Plus she never tells me what to do, unlike SOME PAs I've had in the past who will remain nameless (Knute Fairchild).
Today we were running all over town and that was so boring because everyone wants to talk to me and get pictures and I get so tired of running from the paps and stuff and plus being nice is super-hard. I had to take a nap.
This summer I am all about yellow, so make a note.
Don't forget to watch me be a presenter at the Glad Bag Awards this weekend which are apparently all about garbage and the gays. I know that the gays are all super-neat which is nice and totes makes sense that a trash bag would sponsor their gay awards, and it totally got me thinking that it would be awesome to get a sponsor myself. So, if you are a company of something I like please call DD, she will totally negotiate for me. I'm thinking like vodka maybe.