So yesterday, Rhett calls and he's like, "Let's go down to Second Street for the party." And I was all, "What party?" And he was all, "It's like an anniversary for those cute little boutiques and stuff." So I was like, "Whatever." So he picks me up and we're driving and like all I can think about is like those cute Sonic thingies. So we GPS'd to find one and it was like close, so I got another Vanilla Coke and that was awesome and while we're sitting there, enjoying our Sonics, Rhett goes, "I want a new name on the blog." I was all, "!" So he goes, "I want a new name. Maybe SuperStarFish." I was like, "What??!" So he goes, "I want a starfish theme." I was like, "I can't go changing your name! It will confuse my fans!" He wouldn't back down and now, thinking about it, I'm getting totally furious, even though I wasn't mad at the time. Like who does he think he is? Like he can just make decisions about my art! Because I am like an artist! So anyway, I didn't get furious last night, which is probably good. But now I am like livid.
Anyway, we went on down to the Second Street and it was super-cute you guys! The cutest thing was that the whole theme of the party was ME! There were cupcakes being served, which is kind of a cliche, but whatever, then all the stores had like peacocks and bats and crap that I love on display. I was seriously touched. Rhett kept saying, "It's not really about you, Cakes, it's not." I was like, "Whatever." I was thanking everyone and hugging people. Then we got tired so we were sitting down in this store and this boy came up and was like, "Do you want some wine?" And I don't have any idea why I said this, because for once, it totally wasn't true, but I go, "Oh please I am plastered." And at the exact same time, Rhett goes, "We are drunk." It was hilarious! We weren't even drinking!!! But after we said that, we both felt drunk and that makes me think that hysterical drunkenness is way better than real drunkenness because I felt fine this morning and sometimes I have to eat Taco Bell to feel better the next day and nobody really wants to do that.