Did you know these little effers could get into your house and chew up stuff like electricity? So yesterday, I was totes looking over the list that Knute made for me of stuff to take to DC with Rhett and suddenly - BAM! everything went off: lights, tv, computers, stereo, ipod, A/C, blender, microwave, dvd player, - why did we have all that shit on? It's crazy! Anyway, Knute goes to check the "braker box" and then I heard him scream like a little girl! Me and Gus went running and found him just freaking out at the braker box. Apparently a rat got in and shorted everything out. That rat was like crispy! That rat was seriously despondent. I was like, "Ummm, does that mean that we can call The Hot Network Guy (THNG) again?" So anyway, now Knute has to stay in Austin at The Compound while I go to the townhouse in DC to meet Rhett. Once everything is all fixed, Knute will come on. But see, here's the thing, I'm thinking that if we keep having network problems THNG is never going to be able to ask me out because Knute says they probably have some kind of no-dating-customers rule and while all this is going on I can't date him. So somebody needs to tell the rats to stay out of my braker box because that guy is HOT.
So anyway, I'm going to DC and I may be way too busy being fabulous to write anything for you people, so don't freak out, kay? I'll write a ton of stuff and post some pictures and whatever we I get back.
OMG! I just had an awesome idea, I'm going to get a python, because I've been wanting one for awhile, and put it by the braker box. No rats will try to sneak past a python to kill themselves. I mean if they are all suicidal or whatever, they will just go to the python and I can date THNG. Let me go tell Knute to do that before he comes to DC.
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