My gate was broken. It wouldn't open, so I couldn't leave the house. I was so bored. Finally Rhett calls and is like, "Let's go see a movie." Sometimes I like to go out to the movies, even though my media room is totally comfortable. Sometimes I just like to see how like normal people act. And by "normal" I mean "not famous". So I was dying to leave. I drove the Maserati down to where I normally leave The Compound but the gate didn't open. I sat there for like 20 minutes waiting. Normally, this is the kind of thing that Knute would do for me. Since I didn't really have a PA anymore, I knew I was screwed. So I went back to the house and asked Gus what I should do. Gus goes, "Why don't you just call someone to come work on the gate?" So I was all, "Yeah but who?" So Gus gets out that thing called a yellow page and I go, "Oh no! Not a yellow page. That shit doesn't know anything! Me and Mims tried to use it in New York!" Gus just frowned at me and goes, "Here's one. You want me to call?" I was like "!" - remember that means I'm speechless -isn't that cute? So anyway like 20 minutes later this little dude arrived and he was all talking to himself and pulling wires out and whatever. Finally he got it to work and he got me to autograph something for him - and then gave me a copy! Like I don't already have my own autograph!!! - and he left. Then the gate was working fine so I went to go meet Rhett. I was feeling like a great sense of accomplishment! I fixed my gate! Anyway we walked in late and sat in the back, like all famous people do, but then people started looking and seeing who we are and there was all this whispering and I had to snap my fingers real loud like I do. I know Rhett likes the attention and he enjoys being recognized but I just think it's stupid and boring. After he's been famous as long as me, he'll be bored too. Lucky for me, Rhett hasn't asked about Monte yet. I don't really know what I'm going to say.