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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

My Head!

What a weekend! I was so blasted on Friday night that I almost couldn't go out on Saturday. Lord! Parties everywhere. Of course, I was devastated that I had to party-hop without my precious Smudge, so I bought a new chihuapoo. He's all-white too, just like Smudge and fits even better in my dog-purse. His name is Honky. Isn't that cute?
Mother and Daddy are coming to visit, which of course means an advance visit from their security team. Whatever. Those guys so bore me. Last time Mother and Daddy were here, we totally couldn't even go out to dinner because of all the protesters. Whatever, get a life! Like they just have to ruin our night out! Of course, Daddy is a trouper and just smiles through the pies, but I think it bugs him that they follow him around all the time and throw pastry. Who cares about human rights violations somewhere in Europe or whatever? I mean, sure, if we were talking about HERE, but like Daddy's company is totally in another country or continent or whatever -- or Africa or something. Where is that place with the civil war? I can't ever remember. Like I care!
So anyway, Dan and Bob will be coming in tomorrow to prepare for the Mother and Daddy's visit. I used to think Dan was cute, but he has absolutely NO SENSE OF HUMOR. Like, Lindsay and me totally faked my being murdered one time and Dan went completely mental and almost shot Wilbur! God that was hilarious, but he was so mad. I totally have to be with someone who can laugh.