That's just another awesome pair of shoes I own.
So today, me and Knute were out and about car shopping because the other day I was thinking about the Maz and I realized that I'd owned it for like two years and that's my limit, so I was looking for a new car, but first I have to have something sparkly, and not like those shoes! So we were walking out of Bailey Banks and Biddle and there was a guy standing there looking all like peppy like my fans and stalkers all do. So he comes up to me and calls me by name, so I'm like sure he wants to take a picture and get a autograph, because he handed me something to sign, so I go, "yeah?" and he goes, "You've been served." Well, I totally hated that movie so I was all, "Ew! Why would you say that? I didn't even have a cameo in that piece of junk!" Well, I guess he was actually working for those effers at E! The Entertainment Network Lawyers because what he handed me was a LAWSUIT! So I'm sued because of that stupid live blogging crap. I am so mad!!! I was so mad I forgot to buy a new car!
So Knute was all reading it and making all these scary noises and I was going, "What? What? WHAT?" And he goes, "We better call Daddy." So here's the thing, I don't want to bother Daddy when I haven't even talked to him in forever, so I just called his lawyers and told them. They'll tell Daddy and can listen to all the yelling. Like I need that when I'm totally shopping for new car, please! The good thing is that now Knute has an excuse to buy a really fancy scanner. He's been wanting one for I don't know what -- and frankly I just thought about that for like a SECOND and I got a little creeped out and I think I don't want to know what he's scanning besides my lawsuit. ew.
All I know is that I'm going to Luxembourg this weekend to see Mims and Thad and I will be so glad to get away from everything.
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