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Saturday, September 15, 2007

In bed

This picture is one of the toys that is obsessed with me on the myspace. I want one. The reason I used this picture is that I have been super-lazy and when Nancy came over to discuss, I was still lying up in the bed. She wanted me to get up, but I just pulled the covers over my head. So we talked about something called "self-esteem" and "delusions" and "egomania." It was so boring because by today I totally decided that Gavin was just fucking with me because everyone knows how awesome I am and that everyone is obsessed with me. So whatever. I think that was like a blip on my radio or whatever that saying is because it was something little on something big. Right? that is what that means, right? I don't know. Anyway, I'm just not going to think about Gavin and what he said, because that is way easier.

I'm going back to sleep now.


Anonymous said...

Uh.........who's the hot rabbit?

Unknown said...

Uh...............who's the hottie?