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Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Look, I was to going to be all big or whatever and not write about Britney, mostly because me and Natalie Portman were in the bathroom during her "performance" and we were busy, you guys! Anyway, I watched it on the internets and like I think it's just sad. She totally wasted a good buzz by trying to perform and I know what she was taking and that stuff is GOOOOOD. But you cannot try to think or move or drive or take a sobriety test when you are on it, trust me I should know!
So my super-smart friends are all getting together and I was totally thinking it was this Friday but it's the NEXT Friday and that seems like a long time to me. I haven't seen some of them since for like ever. Plus, Nancy thinks it's a good idea to spend time with people who "challenge me intellectually." I'm pretty sure that has something to do with the retarded Olympics, but I'm not sure about that whole "challenged" part. If she was calling me retarded I will be furious. And I will tell Daddy and I bet she gets fired.

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