I can't believe it took me so long to recover from my fabulous weekend. Seriously. Like this afternoon I finally started feeling like me again. Probably because I was shopping. I mean, that's the only time I ever feel super-good.
Me and Rhett went to see some movie tonight. It was so crazy, everyone was so dirty. And I don't mean dirty like Paris' movie, I mean dirty like gross. Like hippies. You should have seen their teeth! Gross! I was all, "Yuck" Then there were all these old people there who were deaf and they were like talking the whole time. "What did he say?" "What just happened?" I was furious. I kept snapping my fingers at them and telling them to shut up, but I guess since they were so old and whatever, they just couldn't hear me. I thought Rhett was going to die because he was all squirmy that I was telling old people to shut up, but seriously, I paid for the movie tickets! I never pay for anything! Just ask anyone. And if I actually pay for something, I don't want to hear a bunch of geriatrics yakking the whole damn time. Now look, I am furious all over again.
Russell is still cute. I did him one time. Maybe twice. I can't really remember. That was before me and Paris took that vow. By the way, Rhett says he's taken that vow now. He wants to be more like me and that means making lots of smart decisions. We'll have to see though because Rhett is kind of trampy and I think he might be easy, but I'm not really sure. He tells me stories sometimes and I am all, "I don't even see how that's possible!!!" I guess it's like physics or something. He slept during part of the movie and I was like, "How can you sleep when there is so much dirt nearby?" And he goes, "It was only movie dirt. It's not real." Well, I was like, "That shit was 10 feet tall and you are going to sleep? You suck." So it sort of went downhill from there and he ended up throwing his drink on me. Like I don't know why he's gotta act like that all the time. I feel like I wear a lot of Dr. Pepper when we are together. Whatever. Next time, I am not going to wait for him, I'm throwing first.
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