meta: awesome cupcake celebutard international blog Austin Botox How To Be Awesome: Now I remember

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Now I remember

Remember how I was just talking about how I wanted a new phone for the Compound and I found that totally cute one for the Master Suite? Well, I have no idea why I bought it because it hasn't rung once! Meanwhile, my mobile is ringing all the time. Like why did I even bother?
So I've been getting emails from a big fan. I think it's a he, but it could be a she. I only know its initials. Anyway, I thought it found me on here, where the blog is now, but it was telling me that it likes my profile on the myspace so now I am confused about how it is a fan. I guess it doesn't matter, I mean stalking is stalking right? (by the way, TS, I need your address for Daddy's lawyers)
What else is new? My waffle friend and I totally missed each other over the weekend. So I was being furious with him for no waffles and he was like thinking I stood him up. Communication is hard, you guys!
Nancy has got me all thinking about communication and whatever. She's trying to get me to be more concise - whatever that means! I'm all, "How can I be concise? I don't even understand." So she was like, " Brevity.' I was like, "!" whatever, she is wearing me out. Life was so easy when I could just do my thing and like throw a drink on a barrista if she pissed me off - why do I gotta think about stuff? It's complicated.
All I know is that this is Rhett's last weekend in Austin and I am sad, you guys!

1 comment:

T.S. said...

'it' lives in a van down by the river - real transient type - the charges won't stick