meta: awesome cupcake celebutard international blog Austin Botox How To Be Awesome: Holy crap, I am tired

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Holy crap, I am tired

I've been lying by the pool all day at The Compound. I totally was going to go shopping but I was like worn out. You know, having to be nice for all whole weekend is supah-tiring.
I also decided that if I was going to be seeing non-gays, I needed to for sure have a decent phone at the compound. I mean, mostly I just use my mobile phone, but seriously, why am I paying for a landline? Then I started thinking that maybe if I had a supah-cute phone for my landline, I would use it. So I finally managed to get up and go out. I found a totally cute phone so I'm hoping some of my fans will start calling me now.
Next weekend is ACL and that means a bunch more dirty hippies and musicians crawling all over town. I will totally be laying low all weekend. I wanted to get together with some of my smart friends for drinkies but they are like, "No way." I can't blame them, they don't have drivers like I do and when you have to drive yourself around, it's supah-boring. So I try not to be a hater. Still, I am going to be bored all weekend. I would go somewhere with Rhett, but Nancy says I can't because he is not a "hole some" influence in my life. Like what does that mean? So confusing.

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