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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Mr. Cat Loves Ice Cream Too!

This is so weird, you guys! I've been lying here in the master suite, totally bored, not able to sleep and finally I decided to get up and go downstairs. I was thinking about ice cream and I decided to get some more. So I went down and of course, everyone is asleep, so I was being super-quiet except that Mr. Cat heard me. So I got my ice cream and went back upstairs and he sat on the bed and smiled at me while I was eating it. I said, "Mr. Cat, this is people food and you can't have any." But he just blinked at me and purred. Anyway, when I was done, I set the bowl down and he pounced on it like crazy! He cleaned the whole thing. Like seriously, I could put that bowl back in the cabinet and no one would ever know! (Not that I would do that.)
So the thing is, I don't know why I can't sleep. Every time I start drifting off, I wake back up. That is so boring! I stayed in tonight just to get caught up.
I just took my bowl back to kitchen (I put it in the sink! Don't worry!) and Knute was sitting at the counter drinking some juice. I was like, "I'm glad you're back." And he goes, "Me too." And I was all, "I hope it's not hard, being here, under the attic." And he's like, "No, not really." So I go, "Oh! Well, good." So then I stood there, like a moron, staring at the floor. And he goes, "I'm really glad to be home." And I just started bawling! Like please! I never cry! Just ask anyone! So that was super-icky and Knute jumped up and gave me a hug and I was all, "I should be comforting you!" And he goes, "That's not what you do." And that was like totally true.

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