Jeez. You would think I was some Iranian dude talking in NYC! Stop texting me, people! Also, stop emailing me and calling me and driving past my Compound and yelling stuff! Look, I'm sorry the Jewish people can't make waffles, but I don't know why you all are so upset about that. I know that Jewish people are competitive, even though you don't see them as atheletes all that much. That doesn't really make all that much sense, but I'm sort of hoping that this will fire them up and they'll start making decent waffles. I mean, I would like to say that I was thinking when I wrote that about the lousy waffles and that I was all about firing them up, but really I was just whining about not getting a decent breakfast, not really thinking about inspiring a whole peoples. I guess it's just a byproduct or whatever.
Anyway, the point is this: I'm just talking here. It's not like I'm thinking! I have this friend named TS and he actually thinks on his blog. I bet he uses a dictionary and a thesaurus, too! He uses lots of big words that I have to look up a lot. Whatever, that's pretty boring. Plus I'm so busy using my dictionary that I can't even follow what he's talking about. It's super awesome to have smart friends!
But it's a lot of work, too.
Today was so super-boring that I'm not even going to write about it.
1 comment:
OK two things: A.) Columbia Sucks B.) I use spell check and a dictionary to make sure I'm using the right word - never a thesaurus. C.) Even with a few big words thrown in there doesn't mean the composition is a coherent concept - often that is lost in the mind to cyberspace conversion. D.) your blog is ditsely (i just invented that word -dont look it up) intelligent because I have to think real hard when I read it to get all the subtle references.
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