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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sometimes fans are boring. Like for instants, I have a rat that's pretending to be a crazy person - or maybe it's a crazy person pretending to be a rat or a possum. I don't know! It's so confusing. I don't know why people get all crazy writing like they are someone else! Just be yourself people!
So I know you guys are all worried and whatever, so here's my sleep update. I'M NOT. Still. Last night I woke up at 2:00 and again at 4:30. My doctor told me not to turn on the light or talk to Mr. Cat or turn on the tv or get on the internets. So I just lay there like a bagel. It was so boring. This whole "schedule" thing sucks! I'm going to take the Ambien again tonight and this time I'm going to take it with Pear Vodka. Can I just say that stuff is awesome!?? Wow, I would like almost like it better than pink lemonade vodka, but like not. It's super good though. Me and Rhett were drinking some when that Squirrel was running around upstairs. I was like, "Squirrel! Put some clothes on!" Poor Squirrel.
What was I talking about? Oh yea, how boring it all is. You know, when Gus was trying to kill me, that was interesting. He keeps going, 'I was not trying to kill you, stop writing that." And I was like, "The truth hurts." I totally don't even know what that means, but whatever! Dying from spinach probably hurt, I would bet. Poor Lupe. I sure miss her margaritas.

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