This is a little picture of that funny toy on the myspace who loves me. I posted it because I'm totally hoping I'll be sleeping tonight. In like a couple of hours. Keep your fingers crossed.
Today, I promised my doc that I wouldn't take a nap or anything so I was like up all day. So now I am like tired. Big time. It's still super hot here, but I knew if I was lying by the pool I would go to sleep, so I just went shopping today. So boring.
You know what else is boring? That bitch Mariska stole my hair. I turned on Law & Order SUV last night and there she was - with my hair. I totally called Erica, who's sick or whatever and she was like, "Hello?" And I go, "Giving my hair out?" And she goes, "What? Who is this?" like she doesn't have Caller Id AND my number already preprogrammed. So I go, "Who the fuck do you think this is?" And she goes, "Cupcake? What's your problem?" And I was all, "What!!?? What do you think my problem is?" So she's like sneezing and whatever and she's like, "I don't know. Just tell me." I was furious. I don't know why she's playing so dumb you know? She obviously cut Mariska's hair. WHATEVER. If I was with her, I would have thrown a drink on her. I just had to hang up on her. Later on I got a text from her, "What is your problem?" I just ignored her. Now I have to find someone else to cut my hair and she's been doing it for like a couple of years and she's really good. I don't know what I'm going to do.
I just went to Knute's room and asked him about what I should do about Erica giving my hair away and he goes, "I don't think Erica is cutting Mariska Hargitay's hair, Cakes." Then I was like, "oh." Because that's totally the sort of thing she would have mentioned because that girl cannot keep a secret. So then I texted Erica back, "Im sleep deprived." But she hasn't answered me. Bitch. Knute also said that until I get some sleep, I shouldn't make any important decisions like who's going to cut my hair. Well, how am I supposed to be so smart and all when I'm so tired? I didn't really make a decision to be furious with Erica, it just happened. I don't know why he thinks I'm always thinking. I guess it's because when I do actually think, I am super smart. But it's not like I can be smart all the time.
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