Ok, now I know I just have a bunch of smartass "friends" on the myspace! I specifically sent out information on the proper way to answer the poll and at least one person went and answered it WRONG. I have a feeling it might have been Waff. He's like that. Even though we had a totally good time last night getting our eat on and our booze on. I can see him being like, "Ok, yea that was fun, but now I gotta needle her."
Yesterday I was staring out the window and suddenly I started thinking about the beach and I think I'm going to go down next weekend. I'm going to be supah busy soon so I need to get there while I can. Plus I haven't been to the house on Eluethra in ages!
It just occurred to me that TS could be the smartass....He's real smart and that's half of being a smartass...
What was I talking about? Oh yeah, getting down to the beach. I'm totally going to do it. Eat some fish, stare at the waves. That sounds like fun. Maybe I'll take Knute and seeing all the Seegirl bats will remind him of before he was kidnapped. BOTH TIMES! That's crazy! Who gets kidnapped twice? Whatever, I don't judge.
Me and Mims had our pedis this morning, but I was so tore up from last night that I couldn't even enjoy it. Then we were going to go look for cashmere sweaters and I had to go back to The Compound and take a nap. So we're going tomorrow. Even though it's like 100 degrees here still. Technically, according to the fashion calendar it's fall, so I'm wearing cashmere no matter what!
Ok, now seriously, the poll is like this:
Cute is good
Super cute is better
Supah cute is the best, most cute. Kay?
1 comment:
OK - i'd rather be a smart ass than a dumb ass - but i have not voted yet! I mean where do you stand on the issues? (more specifically can you identify why U.S. Americans cannot find their presumed nation on a map better than miss south carolina??) BTW reality TV (a misnomer) is the best TV because it lets the viewer interpret it with more creativity (you can't write that stuff). I was soo pissed when they canceled Anchor Woman after just one episode.
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