Guess what? I'm awake! I think I'm just going to give up on sleeping altogether. Like what's the point? I left my red carpet event early so I could be home in time to take my meds. I never leave a good party early and I left before people started getting crazy! Whatever. So I got home and took my pill and got Mr. Cat and turned out the light at the right time and went to sleep and here I am awake again! I think Mother was right when she was talking about how stressed out I am. I mean, my stalker is still out there people! I don't know how Knute does it everyday. Just like getting out of bed would be so hard, and of course, lots of days he doesn't even bother. So what? Now I am getting all defensey and that's not cute.
I have a new friend on the myspace. His name is Scott and he's a dog bat with no arms. He's cute but I have no idea how he types! He just told me he works in a graveyard and that is spooky! Plus I don't know what he could do in a graveyard at night with no wings or arms and just those little web feet, but whatever. The Myspace is full of amazing people...and dog bats.
Me and Waff were going to eat waffles tomorrow - or I guess actually today - but I know I'm going to be too tired so I went ahead and cancelled. This whole not sleeping thing is really interfering with my life!
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