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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Please let me sleep!!!

I'm seriously hoping that now that my conscience is all clear or whatever I will be able to effing sleep. Like for one thing, I might have been worrying about Britney's kids. Not that I'm going to stop because they are with Kfed, but seriously, I felt like they were in a perril when they were with her! I totally doing even know what being "in a perril" is but it kind of sounds like being in a barrel and I heard one time that people go over waterfalls in barrels, so I figure it's like the same thing. Whatever. It just sounds dangerous and that's all I mean. But like my conscience is clear because I apologized to Gus. Sort of. I mean, I didn't really, but I would have, so that's all that matters. I'm pretty sure he knows that. This morning he toasted my bagel just like I like it and had veggie cream cheese to go with. He loves me!
Mims texted me today and was like, "pedi sat?" And I was all, "Duh!" I'm so tired of this color! I mean it's gorge and all, but seriously, I need a change. I'm pretty sure I've committed to something else this Saturday, but I can't remember what it was. I guess someone will call me and remind me. I was just sitting here thinking that another happy hour with my smart friends would be awesome. They may be smart, but they are a bunch of boozers, so I'm pretty sure they'll be up for it.
Oh yea, I talked to Rhett today too. Then I had to get me a lemon slush again. They are better when he's at the Sonic with me. While I was out and about, I thought I saw Monte, but I'm pretty sure there's no way he's running around Austin. I mean, if I was him, I would have left the country by now. It sure looked like him, though. Kinda spooky, you know?

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