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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Cool Spinny Thingy

Isn't that cool? My friend James sent me that. I think he's in outer space or something. He's an astronaut or whatever. Plus he's super cute so there! That is like space or something.
So I can't believe I'm up this early for reals! I was up super late last night watching some stupid show about dog training with some crazy foreign lady who doesn't even speak English! The whole show was in some foreign language and they didn't even bother with subtitles! Half the time I didn't even know what was going on. Anyway, the point is that I should still be asleep.
Knute wants me to go take the RR to some Jiffy Place and get the "oil changed". That sounds super suspicious to me! What oil!? I think he just wants me out of The Compound so he do something. He's very sneaky. I think at one point I wasn't goin to trust him anymore but then I felt bad about the Monte thing so I forgot. Whatever, it's hard to keep track of who I'm not trusting.
Then I'm seriously going to the store for books and find some stuff to make me super-smart. Or super-smarter. Smooches, you guys!!! If you see me out'n'about holla!!!!

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