meta: awesome cupcake celebutard international blog Austin Botox How To Be Awesome: I'm feeling all philosophicy or whatever

Saturday, September 8, 2007

I'm feeling all philosophicy or whatever

I hate it when I think. It's so boring. Remember how my parents surprised me a couple of weeks ago? I was toally ok with that because I've been making super-smart decisions lately and that is awesome, so I didn't even have to flush any coke or anything. Super-smart. Anyway, this week, this lady turns up at The Compound. I guess Daddy's people have been reading my blog again because he always sends someone to fix stuff they tell him about.
Ok, so this lady is Nancy. She's ok, I guess, but get this: She's another life coach! Can you believe that! Like after that whole feeassco with Moonbeam, I would think that Daddy wouldn't send anymore life coaches to The Compound! Anyway, somebody who works for Daddy is all worried about the gays loving me. Here's the thing: I can't help that. Everyone does. Like for instants, I have some kind of toy who thinks we are best friends now. That's hilarious. My friends tend to be people! Mostly.
Look, I can't be worrying about my new life coach. Me and Mims are getting pedis today.

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