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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Gawd, My Life Is So Boring, You Guys!

I'm seriously thinking about killing myself because being dead could not be more boring than my life is right now. Seriously, I'm not even sure why I'm still alive - like I should have just died from the boredom.
Here's how boring my life is. Today, I got up around noon, floated in the pool for awhile, took a nap, took a shower, took another nap, called Rhett, took another nap, picked him up in the Mas, went to Sonic (that was fun!), drove down to Hill's to see Rodney Faster, saw all the trucks in the parking lot, got scared I'd get dinged, changed our minds and then drove around aimlessly for an hour, then went to some CRAZY place called a 24 Hour Wall Mart. That shit was crazy! That store had a little bit of everything. Rhett was all, "Let's go to Wall Mart. It's hilarious at night when all the poor people are there." So I was like, "I don't want to ding the Mas, is all." He goes, "We'll park far away." So we did. You would think some of those people standing around in the parking lot had never seen a Maserati before! Whatever, they were freaking out. Then this kid came up to us and was like, "What's that?" And I was just going to ignore him, but Rhett was like, "It's nothing. It's a kit car. It's really a Volkswagon." Like where does he come up with this stuff? So the kid goes, "That doesn't look like a kit car. It looks pretty sweet." So I was still just ignoring him and fixing to walk away when he goes, "In fact, I think I want it." And he pulled out one of those combs that flips open - like I've seen them on TV! I know what they look like, even though this one looked kind of weird. And Rhett was like "!". Anyway, I was like, "Are you going to comb me to death?" And he goes, "What?" So I'm like, "Your comb? Are you going to comb me to death?" So he's like, "What the fuck are you talking about bitch?" And so now I was just getting irritated, so I go, "You a hairdresser? Because I already have Erica and she is awesome." And he's all, "WHAT??!!" And I can tell that he is starting to freak out, so I took out my giant emery board - seriously, it's like 6 inches long - and I started filing my nails and I'm all, "I just got my hair cut, so like, back off." Meanwhile, Rhett is just standing there, like a goof, not saying anything. So I go, "Maybe Rhett needs a haircut." But the kid just goes, "I'm not cutting nobody's hair, I want your keys." So I was like, "What!? You can't have my keys! They probably don't even work in your car! Or your Compound!" So I was like seriously getting bored with this conversation, so I go, "Rhett, let's go be hilarious inside the store. This is boring." So we walked away and I guess that kid put his comb away, although Rhett said later it was a knife! Isn't that funny? He's so crazy making up stuff like that! Anyway, Wall Mart wasn't so hilarious, but that kid was gone when we came out, so whatever.
Gawd, I can't believe how boring my life is. Tomorrow night me and Rhett are going to something called First Thursday. I don't see how a Thursday could be first since I thought that Monday always came first, but maybe I'll figure that out tomorrow. I'm going to bed now!

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