So it's super-fun to have a new fan-base. Apparently, all the gays from Saturday night love me. They are all about Cupcake. Everyone is, it's so boring.
You know who really loves me? Steve. He keeps asking me when I'm going to come visit him in LA. He wants to know if I want the top bunk or the bottom bunk. I think that must be some sort of code or something. Like is that slang? I was like, "I think I'll stay in a hotel." So then he was like, "You can have my queen bed in the master." I was like, "!" I'm pretty sure that's some kind of gay code or something. It's probably really dirty or something.
I guess today was some sort of holiday because like no one was around. Gus wanted to teach me how to use the grill and that was scary, you guys! The thing about fire is: it's like crazy! You think you know what it is going to do but you don't! Like I have all sorts of respect for Butch now and his one leg working that fire with the meat, the corn and the potatoes. Plus, he was drunk. I mean, I was only grilling some burgers but I still managed to set my Hermes scarf on fire. And I was only buzzing. Can you imagine how flammable I would be if I was super-drunk? Scary. I'm thinking as far as drunk driving goes, that is way safer than drunk grilling. For reals.
So the other cool thing that happened this weekend was that I found out Rhett will be here for almost another 3 weeks. Like I'm thinking we need to go somewhere. Like London. Even though it's so boring. I don't know.
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