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Friday, August 10, 2007

Waffles and Vodka

Ok, like I don't know why I try so hard. I grocery shopped, people. I tried really hard. Well, when I got back here I left the groceries in the kitchen and Gus calls me on the intercom and goes, "Is this everything?" I was like, "That is like totally philosophical or whatever!" So he sighs really huge and he goes, "Is this everything you bought? At the store?" So I was all, "Yes." So he goes, "Did you take the list?" So I go, "Yes, but I lost it." So then I just hear this giant sigh then Gus goes, "You bought waffles." And I'm all, "Yes...." So he goes, "That's all?" And I go, "It was hard, there wasn't any carpet."
So today I went and found the pink lemonade vodka. So I came all walking in the kitchen and I go, "Boom!" and put the bag on the counter. Gus goes, "What's this?" So I go, "Vodka!" He just stared at me. Turns out he went to the grocery store today and bought all kinds of things. Like eggs and bread and stuff. He must have been pretty mad that I only bought waffles last night because he would barely talk to me. Seriously though, if I just had waffles and vodka I'd be pretty happy.

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