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Thursday, August 9, 2007

Not having a personal assistant is hard, you guys

Ok, so now that Monte has completely disappeared and I only hear him scurrying around at night, and now that Gus had nothing left in the kitchen for me to eat, I had to go to the grocery store. Ok, I did that one time before and I think we all remember what a nightmare that was! First of all, did you know that they don't sell vodka at the grocery store? You have to go to the vodka store!? Whatever! Then the five vodka stores I went to didn't even have that pink lemonade vodka. Like my life is hard, you guys! Anyway, so I went back to the grocery store with the list that Gus gave me, I don't know why he can't go. I mean, I pay him enough, he should shop too. I mean, normally I love to shop, but food shopping just makes me nervous. First of all, it's not carpeted. I'm not used to that. And the people who are supposed to be "working" there don't even get all your stuff for you. I mean, at Nordies they go pull for you, why can't they at HEB?
Also, I found something cool! Waffles! Already made! Frozen! I am like so excited. I know that Gus froze me some waffles one time, but like these waffles mean I don't have to rely on Gus anymore. I am like independent in the waffle-situation. Although, I'd still rather go out for them, and I was sort of hoping to eat some waffles with my new friend this weekend, but if I have to eat frozen ones, I will. I wonder how you unfreeze them?
I can't wait to shop with Mims and I also have to go to some stupid party in the Hamptons this weekend. I don't even want to go, but Yoli commited me. P. Diddy. What's he done for me? Nada (that's spanish for nothing).
All in all, I suspect it will still be a fun weekend. I might see a movie or something. I just want to get out of the house. Monte in the attic is creeping me out, seriously!

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