Yesterday was awesome. I didn't even wake up until 4:00 because me and Rhett were so bored out of our minds on Friday night. I totally had to recover. Anyway, I rolled out of bed and got all cute and them me and Rhett went to go see some play called "The Full Monty." I thought it was going to be about a fat guy, but the fat guy was named Dave. There wasn't even anyone named Monty in the whole show. Whatever. Our friend Q was in it. He got naked, but I guess he always does. What up, Q? He's totally hot. Especially when he sings and dances. Hot.
Then we went and ate at some place. There were people taking pictures of me and not even trying to pretend they weren't. They weren't even paparazzi. They were just like tourists or whatever. It was boring and most of the people there were like hippies. I think everyone knows how I feel about hippies. Also, I was furious all weekend because everyone is wearing plaid again. We've been over this, people. I hate plaid. So at the bars on Friday night, all the boys were wearing plaid shorts and then last night at the play, there were plaid shirts and a plaid dress - it gives me the creeps. Nobody should be wearing plaid - ever. It's too distracting and complicated. That's why I prefer solids. Or Pucci. That's all I'm saying.
This afternoon me and Rhett are going to Houston. I'm excited because Knute found me a driver, Harvey, and he's going to drive us down in the Jag-you-are. That way we can drink all the way down there. Bucky says that there's some kind of party afterwards and since Rhett was in the original cast of this play, I guess we'll be signing autographs. That's so boring. Posing and talking to fans is so boring. I really don't even know why we're going at all except that Bucky is my fiance and I am all supportive and shit. It just better be fun, that's all I'm saying.
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