Like I guess today is a holiday or something. Of course it's been raining for like ever down here, so I don't know how I'm supposed to enjoy anything. Rhett is furious with me because I didn't fire Harvey. I can't live my whole life to make Rhett happy, you know? That's just crazy. I need a driver, ok? If I get one more DUI, I will go to jail and I don't need that.
Also I guess my neighbor Monte has gone totally crazy and is stalking Rhett. I don't know what that's about. What's going to happen when Rhett leaves? I'm getting scared. Rhett called me late last night when me and Lindsey were playing this awesome game called Find Paris. It's where you just click through all the channels on your TV and then whenever you see something about Paris you drink. It was awesome. We were wasted. Since Lindsey can't really go out anymore without getting totally crucified by the paps, we're trying to find ways to get wasted at home. It's hard, you guys! Anyway, Rhett called and was like, "Monte is following me." I was like, "What?" And he goes, "I'm out and about and everywhere I go I see Monte." I was like, "Call the cops. That's what he does to me anytime things get loud at the Compound." Rhett wouldn't, I guess because of what happened last time he was in LA. We don't need to talk about that, so I won't because he doesn't want me to mention him getting arrested and all the stuff his daddy had to do to keep it out of the papers. It was a mess and all the stuff about what was in his car was not cute. So I don't want to do into all that again. But it totally explains why he didn't want to call the cops. Whatever.
One thing I did do today is finally found my peacock satin shoes. I will be wearing them on Friday night at Cedar Street to see The Atlantics so be sure to tell me how fabulous they are.
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