So my Number One Boyfriend decided the tabs weren't that bad and so we are seeing each other again. Don't look for us in paps' pics though because we are going to be sneaky. Not like Lindsey whoring around Italy. I mean, Italy is totally hot and I would have sex there three times a day, but probably not with three different guys! I mean, totally! That's just de classe. I used to think that meant classy, but then this one time, my governess overheard me talking to Paris about a purse she had that looked like a vadge, and so my governess was like, "You aren't using that word properly." So now I know that it means NOT CLASSY. Or Klassy. I like to write Klassy with a K to mean that it isn't classy at all. It's de classe if it's Klassy.
DAMN that's confusing. My head is spinning.
Oh yeah, I'm in Belgium. Not Bellgym. That's what it sounds like, but that's not how it's spelled. The castle is awesome. Cold, but awesome. I got a hysterical commission too, so I guess I won't be putting in a pool either. Thad will be super sympathetic.
So thanks to all my Potential New Number One Boyfriends, you can stop sending the flowers now. I'm keeping the jewelry, though!
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