Whoa, I had no idea me having a Number One Boyfriend was going to be such an issue for so many people! I shouldn't have said anything! First Yoli called me and was like, "What the hell is this?" She's like, "With the Britney Meltdown you're not getting any press anymore." So like apparently me being happy in a relationship with one guy is a bad for my image. I'm like, "I can have a car wreck if I need to." She was like, "Too obvious!" So anyway, I had to promise her that I wouldn't talk about him anymore. Which sucks because he's really awesome! Oh yeah, I'm not supposed to say that.
So after Yoli, my fans started complaining. I'm like, "Look, you people don't even know, 'kay?" Being an international celebritard is hard, you guys! It wears me out. I can't be thinking all the time! So now I'm supposed to be really careful about what I write and not mention him or anything.
So.....like.....I got back from Bellgym. The Castle is totally awesome. I have no idea when I'm going back. Mims is on her way from Luxembourg, she should be here in a bit. She needed her hair cut and we both need pedis. I saw on the myspace that Erica was out last night, so I hope she doesn't have a giant hangover like she usually does on Saturday. I think she needs to go to rehab, she has a problem. Mostly the problem is her having the shakes when she's trying to cut my hair. That is a problem. Now, see she's going to read this and be mad when I get there today and we'll probably have a fight and she'll go to jail again and then the tabs will have something to focus on. Let me go call Yoli and give her the good news. She might call the paps for me!
Whatever! Yoli wants "somthing bigger" I'm like, "Whatever!" I am not robbing a bank or killing anyone (not that there aren't some folks I'd be ok with on that).
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