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Sunday, December 23, 2007


Here's the thing. Apparently there's some sort of holiday coming up. I was lounging around the media room last night and Knute comes in and goes, "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas."
Except he was singing which was not cute. So I go, "What?" Really just to make him stop singing. He's all, "Christmas, remember how we have that tree in the ballroom?" I was like,
Yeaaaaaa." So I guess it's been a whole year since we did all that shit last year. So I go, "Did I shop this year?" And Knute goes, "Of course!" So now I'm bored by Christmas. I might go out today to shop just because, you know, I like to do that.
You know what I don't like? Please who are scared. I'm not scared of anything after all that therapy in the attic. Like I'm not going to go into the all the gorey details, but seriously I'm so sick of people. It's a good thing it's cold right now because if it was warm and people were swinging by to hang at the pool, I would totally go apeshit. I think this time of year you are supposed to be thinking about others, but they make me so furious, I'm just going to think about myself because that makes me happy.

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