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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Effing EFF!!!

Holy crap, you guys! I am freaking out. So, as you know, Mother and Daddy showed up the other day, which I thought was for the holiday, but it turns out they had news. Bad news. Super-effing-BAD-EFFING-News. Like I know people who've gotten bad news. Like when Lupe died, that was bad. We were bummed for like days. And when my first PA got hit by that car, that was bad. Especially since she said it was my fault and sued me, so it was bad and it pissed me off. But this news, I don't even know what to do about it, I mean I am like GRIEF-STRUCKEN. Or whatever.
It seems that Daddy's Papa, Nonnie (that's not his name, that's just what I call him) anyway, Nonnie thinks I'm bringing "shame" to the family, so he's rewritten his will so that it all goes to some charity. What. The. Eff.? Kitten is way worse than me and she's Daddy's too! At least I wear my underpants when I go out!
Of course, I inherited almost all of Grandmamma's estate, including The Compound, so it's not like I'm going to be poor or anything. I mean, don't worry about that! But like I always figured that Daddy's Daddy would contribute too. I don't know why Mother's family has to be the only generous ones!
Needless to say, this has totally ruined my whole week. The only good news is that right after they told me, they packed their bags and left, so that was awesome. I told Knute and he was like all philosophicky or whatever and he goes, "We have plenty of money. What are you worried about?" Well, ok, first of all, I'm worried that Knute is saying "WE" have plenty of money. I know what I pay him (I think. I need to check with the accountant) and "HE" doesn't have plenty of money. "I" have plenty. So that's a problem right there.
See, this whole thing is making me think, and you all know how much I hate that.

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