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Monday, December 24, 2007

Holy Shit

So this morning, I was just lying around and talking to Mr. Cat. And suddenly Knute comes hauling ass into the Master Suite with the phone in his hand. Well, he was freaking out and he knows how I hate that, plus it made Mr. Cat jump off the bed which really pissed me off. That reminds me that this new cat has turned up at The Compound. He's all white and really pretty. His eyes are yellow and he's super lovey. Mr. Cat isn't as excited about this new one as I am. I think I'm going to call him Polar Bear. Isn't that a funny name for a cat?
What was I talking about? Oh yeah, so Knute comes tearing in the door and whispers, "You parents are here." I was like, "What?" And he goes, "They are at the gate." Well, we were freaking out, I don't mind telling you. Turns out Mother and Daddy decided to show up for that holiday that's today or tomorrow or whatever. So I threw on some Juicy Couture (which is totally NOT couture, by the way. I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as elastic in real couture) and scooted downstairs to meet them in the foy-yay. I hate it when they come to visit. It's so like nervewracking. So now me and Knute have to be on our very best behavior which is way boring. Mother was walking all over checking for dust, then she went to the guesthouse to unpack. Meanwhile, Daddy went to the mediaroom and started looking for football. He's staying in one of the guestrooms in the Main House. Mother brought her spiritual guide, Nathan Redcloud, so I guess the yoga dude is gone. Anyway, they are staying in the guesthouse which Gus thinks is funny, but I'm not sure why.
Anyway, Happy Christmas, that's what Knute tells me it is.

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