Seriously, I put those polls on here so you guys can tell me how awesome I am! If you are just going to fuck around and not click SUPAH-Whatever, I will quit putting polls on my blog. For real! I am furious.
I will just have to figure out how to put a poll up that will make me happy. Somebody says "There are lies, damn lies and static electricity" or something like that and that's what this is. Static electricity.
So I had another meeting with the Bravo people about the red carpet show. Only this time they set it up without Rhett who, you will recall, was gassy. So they said they aren't really interested in him, but they want me and now I am seriously torn because the whole show was kind of his idea. I mean, he's super busy and whatever, so he probably doesn't even watch TV and like it's a couple of months away so seriously I could probably do it and he would never know. But that makes me feel icky for some reason. Could be all those margaritas I drank during the meeting. I'm not sure. I just know I'm not feeling too good. I told them I needed to talk to my agent. And then I remembered I got dropped by my agent and I don't even have one now! Like wtf, people? So I guess I'm shopping for a new agent. Yoli says taking the show is "opening a can of worms". Who wants to do that, for real? That doesn't sound like fun at all! How do worms live in a can? It seems like they would suffocate. So maybe it's a good thing, like all humanitarian and whatever. Or wormitarian.
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