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Friday, September 21, 2007

My super-smart friends

That is a "beer." Beer is awesome. I just had like 15. I think. I met my super-smart friends for beers downtown and first of all, where is everyone going at 5:00? There was traffic for like ever. I don't understand who all those people were and where were they going? It was crazy! I was like, "I was supposed to be at the bar at 5:30 but the MoPac was a parking lot. It was so boring!"
I had an awesome time with my smart friends, though. I spent a lot of time talking to my Asian friend, Vera. She's kind of a big deal in dresses or something. Anyway, she's totally cool.
The cool thing about beers is they are like a meal. They probably have fiber in them! Here's the thing: I have to do this community service thing tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it. I have to be up and downtown by 9:00 AM!!! Isn't that crazy? Like I never get up that early. I am going to have to get Gus to wake me up.
The good news is that Knute is coming home and by "home" I mean The Compound. His mom and dad were totally against that until I paid them all that money to go away. So he's coming home and I had Katrinka fluff out his room and everything because I'm not really sure how he's going to be. One thing we did was remove all the sharp stuff! Like who knew how much stuff just lying around is sharp! That is crazy, it took her for like, ever. I'm totally excited to have him back here. It hasn't been the same without him.
Nancy says it's a bad idea to have Knute come home because she says I'm "too dependent" upon him. Whatever that means! I'm pretty over Nancy overall.

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