Holy shit. Last night was like crazy. Me and Rhett and Squirrel and The Virgin went to have dinner for Rhett's last night in town. Ok, first of all, Squirrel needs some Xanax. But he is super-cute. Once he got plastered he was hilarious. The Virgin was a mess! Like who calls themselves a virgin? I don't even know any virgins!!! Then the waitress threw queso all over me and I was like, "Fucking hell! I know you did that on purpose!" That bitch was freaking out. See, the thing about unfamous people is that sometimes they are so jealous of famous people that they do stuff to them. It's pathetic. Seriously. Anyway, we had the cutest booth at Guero's, of course and me and Squirrel were drinking frozen ritas and Rhett and The Virgin were drinking Strawberry margaritas. We were drunk, for real! Me and Rhett were still tired from our trip to LA. Oh, by the way, we had a meeting with the Bravo people before we left, and Rhett still had so much gas that I think they are going to pass. It was bad, you guys! I mean, normally, I think farts are pretty funny, but not in the middle of a meeting for crying out loud! Seriously. You should have seen their faces. It wasn't at all like the VF party where it was hilarious. I was trying really hard to act like I couldn't hear them or smell them, but like that was hard! I pretty much couldn't do it. At first was like laughing, but I ended up furious. Now we don't have a chat show for the Oscars. Furious!
Erica cut all my hair off! It is so awesome. Like who know I was going to like having short hair? It's crazy! I can't wait until the tabs get ahold of me. There will probably be a run on salons all over the world. So boring.
What else? Me and some of my fabulous friends are having a happy hour on Friday night! That should be awesome. I would tell you where but then the paps would show up and that would be so boring! I mean, I just want to have a little drinkie or ten with my pals and not be bothered. Maybe if I stay home all day tomorrow, the paps won't even know about my hair yet and I can go to the bar and drinky without worrying about getting my picture took.
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