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Sunday, August 12, 2007

More on waffles and redecorating

So this morning, me and Mims got up and we were starving so we were going to go look for waffles, but then I discovered that I didn't have a blowdryer at the Triplex, and I didn't have anyone to send out to get me one, so it was like a seriously complicated. We just sat around - starving - waiting for our hair to dry and then we weren't even cute! So the first thing we had to do was find a blow dryer store. So Mims knew about this thing called a "yellow page." She said it lists places to buy stuff, which sounds really smart! So I was looking for blow dryer stores, but I didn't see any, so maybe a yellow page isn't so smart after all. Anyway, it was a hard morning. Finally I thought about asking my doorman where the blow dryer store was. First he was just staring me for awhile, then he goes, "You could buy a blowdryer at Duane Reade." So I was like, "Oooo! What's that?" So he goes, "Oh, it's just a drug store." When we heard that me and Mims were like, "Awesome!" So he told us where to go and as we were walking, Mims goes, "Why don't we live here all the time? It's like hard to get drugs at home, but here there's a whole store!" I was all, "I know!" So we were super excited, but there weren't any good drugs in that whole store! We up and down every aisle! Anyway, they had some blow dryers and I was all looking at them, not knowing what to buy - plus they were all really cheap, like how do you pick? Anyway, none of them matched my color scheme in the bathroom at the triplex and I'd already decided I was definitely going to leave it here in NY so it needed to go with the decor. I was staring at the blow dryers and getting pissed and Mims goes, "Just redecorate the bathroom." I was all, "Of course!" She's super smart sometimes! So tomorrow I have to call the decorater. Anyway, I got a pretty cute blowdryer It was crazy. Duane has everything. Except drugs. You know, the good kind.

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