meta: awesome cupcake celebutard international blog Austin Botox How To Be Awesome: Oops!

Sunday, August 12, 2007


So I posted earlier and then I went to myspace to see what everyone was up to. There was a message from Rhett, reminding me that he's coming home from Japan. I totally forgot about that. I hope he's bringing me a kimono. That would be awesome! So anyway, me and Mims were lounging around the triplex and then I read that I was all, "Shit! Mims we have to go. I have to get Monte out of the attic before Rhett comes home." So the bathroom redecoration will have to wait.
I'm trying to think of how to get Monte out and all I can come up with is the people who kill the bugs in your house. I don't think I want Monte killed, necessarily, I just want him gone. I mean, how are Rhett and I supposed to party and have a good time and all that if we're thinking that Monte is peeking through the air vents at us? On the way back me and Mims were talking about another night at Roy's with all the mai tais. I can hardly wait. I hope the homeless people don't talk to me again, that's wasn't cute.

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