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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My friends are crazy

So the other night, when I was out with my smart friends, one of my smart friends was complaining about not ever having any press anymore so we cooked up this idea to get her arrested because that always makes the internets and papers and whatever. So my Asian friend Vera - she's kind of a big deal in dresses or whatever - anyway, she was coming up with some ideas for press and me and my other smart friends were like, "What?" I couldn't believe the stuff she was coming up with! I was like, "You are crazy, Wang." So then another friend goes, "Crazy Wang??!! I love that!" So now she's Crazy Wang because that is hilarious! She was coming with stuff like having sex with animals in public and whatever. It wasn't the kind of stuff that gets the kind of press we all want. So anyway, my smart friend did get arrested, apparently she ran over some pedestrians. Nobody died or anything. That would not be cute press! Not the good kind, but like just hurting some drunken frat boys on 6th Street? No big deal. They probably needed it, you know?

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