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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I am exhausted!

So I know I was talking about buying a car before Rhett came, but I never got around to it. But this morning, I was so bored, me and Knute and Rhett drove down to Houston to buy me a new car. I got a JAG-you-are. That's how I'm going to say it because Daddy had one when I was little and me and my nanny always took it to the park and that's how she said it. JAG-you-are. I had a maid who called them Jag-wires - that's hilarious! Anyway, it's awesome and so when we all got back to the compound, I was showing Knute how I could get in and out without showing my cootch because my governess taught me that, she's the one who called them "underdrawers." So I was wearing this totally cute skirt that I got at Black/White or White/Black or whatever the name of that store is. It's black and white, of course. Totally cute and of course I had underpants on! But I could still get in and out without flashing the whole world. Anyway, now I have to find a driver. Knute is furious that I won't let him drive. I was all, "Please, I need a whole new employee for that!" He still thinks if he's not driving I should drive. I'm like, "I am too famous." He just rolled his eyes. Whatever. Maybe I need to fire him again, it's been like forever since I fired him. I think. Anyway, if anyone wants lessons on how to get in and out of a JAG-you-are without showing your cootch, call me!!!

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