So I have a new fan. His name is R. Isn't that hilarious? Like who ever heard of an initial? He's totally stalking me. Which is fine, I mean, what am I supposed to do? Everyone does. So anyway, he sent me a message about the Big Foot and he was going that the Big Foot doesn't really live in Austin so I don't need to worry about it. Which was awesome, right? I was totally feeling better, but then he goes, "You need to be worried about the Chupacabra." So I was thinking that's that holiday that Grandmamma and Grandpappa used to celebrate in December, right? With the socks and the gloves and the underpants for like a week! Well, R put a link on his message so I went and read about it, thinking it was going to be about candles or whatever that was that was burning for way longer than anyone thought. But NO! The Chupacabra is like an animal, but it's a alien and a kangaroo and maybe a dog or it could just be a hoax. So I was like, "Duh, R, that is not scary because when you go to the yootoob you can't even watch movies of it that are scary." Not like the Big Foot anyway. Do you think more than one Big Foot would be Big Feet? Or Big Foots? Now I'm going to be worried about that because I am a writer and it is super-important to be like accurate and concise.
1 comment:
Plural = Footi (pronounced foot-e, i think) When they migrate, they travel in groups of three called a yard.
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