meta: awesome cupcake celebutard international blog Austin Botox How To Be Awesome: BORING

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Ok, I am so totally bored with everything. Like last night I was totally stressed out and I just wanted to go drink with Waff and like relax. But he invited this woman who showed up and she was so boring I thought I was going to die. She talked constantly. It wasn't a conversation, it was a monologue. When I was little, my governess used to talk about being "polite" which I never really bought into because it sounded really boring. But last night I was so bored with that woman that I thought I would give it a try, just to see if it would shut her up. It didn't. Even Waff, who usually talks my ears off hardly got a word in. At one point she went to the bathroom and we tried to have a conversation real quick while she was gone. That was the best part of the whole evening. Then she came back and starting blathering again so we just sat there like mutes. So finally I just got up and said, "I'm leaving." Then my very favorite boyfriend called me on my way back to The Compound because he's decided that he doesn't want to date me because he's tired of the tabs following him all the time. So whatever. I'm super bored.

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