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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My Kickass Copper Highlights

Erica is awesome, it's too bad she's so selfish. I mean seriously, she made me wait until tonight to finally do my highlights. By the time I walked into her little salony thing, I was totally livid. I mean, I just kept getting madder and madder all day long, but I was going to keep my mouth shut until after she did my hair and waxed my brows and then I was totally going to kick her ass. Well, I guess she's scrappier than I thought, even with a broken nose. Bitch can punch, that's all I'm saying. I thought I could take her, but it was bad. I started worrying when she was telling me about her boyfriend getting peppersprayed and she couldn't stop laughing. I was like, "Whoa!" I mean, it was hilarious, but that's the guy she's dating! I mean, I would at least try to pretend like I was bummed out or whatever. Then she got mad because I wouldn't let her put any stuff in my hair and she started acting like a nut and I started thinking maybe kicking her ass wasn't such a good idea. But anyway, the cops had to come AGAIN to separate us which was totally boring. But at least no one went to jail tonight. My highlights look awesome too! I have her a Christmas bonus after the cops left.

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