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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Knute, my new hair and weird fashion choices

Ok, so I felt a little better today and since I was so sick, I didn't get my hair cut and go see Knute this week like I wanted to. So anyway, I got Erica to whack off all my hair and it is super-cute, you guys! So I totally went to the mental hospital to see Knute and he is not cute! First of all, a straight jacket is not a cut, nor is it cute! It is not flattering at all. First of all, I don't see how you can get anything done wearing one of those. I mean, like you can't even put on lip gloss! Please. Anyway, Knute was glad to see me and he said that the doctors think he's going to be able to recover. Of course, this is all so totally weird because I guess you guys all remember how he got kidnapped by that guy who he met online when we were in NY? I've never known anyone who got kidnapped more than once! Did you? I mean, that's just crazy. I did know this girl who went to school with me and Mims in Switzerland and she used to call her parents and tell them she was kidnapped and they needed to send her ransom money. They were so stupid, they always fell for it and we would just go to Monaco or wherever and party for the weekend. I don't think that counts, though because Knute was really kidnapped and she wasn't. I'll have to think about that for a bit. The really weird thing is that both times Knute got kidnapped I never even called the police! Isn't that hilarious? I need to pay more attention, I guess.
Anyway, like I was saying, my hair is super cute. No more extensions, unless it's a special occasion. Speaking of which, I dreamed when I was sick that I traded in the Maserati for a yellow converible Mini Cooper. Isn't that hilarious? Like I would do that! In the dream, I was like going to a party or something and I wanted a yellow convertible. Then after the party, I was wanting the Mas back, but it was gone. Like I would trade in the Mas for a Mini! I hate Minis. They are so common. I see them all the time. My Mas is special and you know when you see that Mas in Austin, it's me. I love that.
Being famous is the best way to be awesome!
Hey, have a great weekend, me and Rhett will probably be out and about. The vet has some new alligator tranquilizers that he got in Florida - everyone knows how I feel about Florida, but alligator tranks sound pretty good! So we'll probably be wherever the cute people are! Smooches!

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