So Monte has been keeping my calendar lately and frankly, I'm sort of surprised that I'm not busier. I mean, when Knute was taking care of my schedule (I like to pronounce that "shed-jewel" one of my nannies pronounced it like that I think it sounds real classy.) anyway, when Knute had my schedule I was like super-busy all the time, but now I seem to have lots and lots of time to spend with Monte. Seriously, it's kind of boring. I found my extensions under his pillow the other day when I was snooping in one of the guest rooms. Now, I know I left them ON PURPOSE in the Maserati so the next time I see Erica (if she will ever bother to drag her ass back to work! I mean, seriously, I've sent her a ton of business just in the last couple of months and she can't be bothered to schlep over and cut my bangs? WTF? that's gratitude! I don't even know what that means, I had a lawyer who used to say that to me all the time. that's gratitude. I thought gratitude is that ripoff when waiters add something to the bill when you're really drunk and they hope you don't notice and I almost never do until the next day and then I am like, "Shit! That guy got two gratitudes!" Pisses me off. What was I talking about? I don't even remember.
Ok, so Rhett is coming home in like two weeks and we were IMing the other day - which is awesome because he is in Japan or China or somewhere crazy like that and it was just like talking to him on the phone, only slower, because I had to type. Anyway, I'm still nervous about the whole Rhett/Monte thing. I know Rhett likes to scare Monte and that's not cute, except it is kind of hilarious, so it's not like I want him to stop, but seriously, Monte has issues! Like my hair! Oh, I think that's what I was talking about a minute ago when I started ragging on Erica who's so effing lazy. Shit! I feel like I'm going around in circles. Maybe I need to take one of these pills Monte's been giving me. He says they are like health vitamins or something, but they make me super-sleepy!!! Maybe that's what health is, like sleep. I don't know, but I am tired you guys!
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