meta: awesome cupcake celebutard international blog Austin Botox How To Be Awesome: Holy crap you guys!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Holy crap you guys!

I can't believe I haven't written since like April. That is totes insane! Like what the hell have I been doing? I have no idea. I went back to rehab in May and I totally met this super awesome guy, you would know who he is, so I'll just call him Smacky since he was in rehab to kick heroin. I'm all about protecting people's identities because I am super fabulous like that.
Anyway, we've been hanging out a lot and I'm like all happy and not hardly bored at all. So after rehab, I went to Europe for awhile because Mother said I needed to get out of the spotlight for awhlie. I was all like, "Why?" But she made me go so I went to France or Spain or somewhere and that was so totally boring I thought I was going to kill myself. There is nothing to do in Europe at all.
So then I came home and awards season started so I was all over the red carpet and crap like that. That was super boring, but I like the free clothes so whatever.
Then me and Georgeyo Armani got in a big fight because he wanted the dress back from the SAG awards and I'm like, "I don't think so." And he was all, "But yes." and I was like, "Who talks like that?" And he goes, "It was a loner." And I was all, "It's not alone in my closet because it used to be two bedrooms before I converted it, so it has lots of company now." Then he goes, "What are you talking about?" And I was like, "I guess I made my point." So he goes, "I don't know what you are talking about but I need the dress back." So I was like, "No." So then I started getting letters from his lawyers about taking it to press so I just gave the damn dress back. It was like sad.
So I'm totally going to be better about writing on here. I don't think I will have to go back to rehab anytime soon since I am being really careful.

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