meta: awesome cupcake celebutard international blog Austin Botox How To Be Awesome: Ok, here's the thing...

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Ok, here's the thing...

I see that all my fans are totally voting to hear more about my number one boyfriend but, as I'm sure you noticed, I didn't even capitalize it - which means, of course, he's gone. He couldn't make up his mind about how fabulous I am, so he had to go. I mean, what else could I do? If he's not 100% all over how awesome I am, he's out. It's that simple.
So I was going to take him to Luxembourg with me to visit Mims and Thad, but since he flaked out, I'm going alone. How sucky is that? I mean, Knute will go, but I was sort of looking forward to having like a trip with a number one boyfriend. I'm not even going to ask any of my other boyfriends. I might not even go at all. I think I might be depressed. This sucks.

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