So I've been like totally worrying about how to get Monte out of the attic, as my readers all know. So finally, I just called an exterminator and was like, "There's something big in my attic and I need it gone." So the dude showed up this morning with like a flashlight and all kinds of shit and Katrinka had to show him how to get up in the attic and I heard him sort of walking around and then I heard him scream like a girl and he came hauling ass down the stair thingies and he goes, "What the hell is going on here?" And I was like, "What?" So he goes, "I have to call my supervisor." So he goes outside and me and Gus were like, "?" (that's when I'm speechless AND curious!) So me and Gus went up there and I was seriously freaking out you guys! It looked like Monte had been living up there, but that's not the worst part! The worst part is that Knute was all tied up with a gag in his mouth. Like I don't know why that exterminator dude didn't AT LEAST cut him down, but he didn't. Gus had a big knife with him, so we did. He was like crying and going, "Oh thank god! Oh thank god!" Over and over. It was crazy you guys! Anyway, Monte was nowhere to be seen and the cops came to talk to Knute, because I guess his parents put out a missing persons report which I guess I should have done, but like whatever. I can't spend a lot of time beating myself up about this, right? I'm super glad to have a PA again, even if he does have to spend some time in the psychiatric hospital. At least I can get into ACL.
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